Sunday, February 19, 2017

Laxman Temple Sirpur ( लक्ष्मण मन्दिर सिरपुर महासमुन्द )

 Laxman Temple Sirpur
Laxman Temple Sirpur

सिरपुर छत्तीसगढ़ के महासमुन्द जिले पर स्थित है| राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग क्रमांक 6 पर आरंग से 24 कि.मी आगे बांयी ओर लगभग 16 कि.मी पर सिरपुर स्थित है रायपुर से सिरपुर कि दूरी 59 कि.मी है|
Laksman Mandir Sirpur
Laksman Mandir Sirpur
यह एक प्राचीनतम नगरी व छत्तीसगढ़ कि राजधानी थी जो छत्तीसगढ़ कि जीवनदायनी नदी चित्रोतपल (महानदी) के तट पर स्थित है |
Buddha Vihar sirpur mahasamund chhattisgarh
महाभारत काल में इसका नाम चिनागढ़पुर था |ईशा पुर ६ वी शताब्दी में इसे श्रीपुर कहा जाता था ५ वी सदी से ८ वी सदी के मध्य यह दक्षिण कोशल कि राजधानी थी ७ वी सदी के चीनी यात्री हेडसम भारत आया था उस समय उसने पुरे भारत कि यात्रा कि थी वा घूमते हुवे श्रीपुर आया था तब उस समय वहा पर बौद्ध धर्म विकसित अवस्था में था
Buddha Vihar in Sirpur
तात्कालिक समय में पाण्ड़ुवंश शासण कर रहा था| उसकी माता वासटा ने अपने पति हर्षगुप्त कि याद में लक्ष्मण मंदिर का निर्माण करवाया था| इटो से बने इस मंदिर विश्व प्रसिद्ध है
Sirpur Sangrahalaya

 buddha vihar

sirpur bedh shala

tila surang in sirpur

sirpur buddha vihar

sirpur gufa

sirpur ka mandir

sirpur india
यहाँ पर भारत से हे नहीं देश -विदेश से इस नगरी और लक्ष्मण मंदिर को देखने के लिये आते है यहाँ पर अति प्राचीन मंदिर वा मुर्तिया स्थित है जिसे एक संग्राहलय में सजो के रखा गया है जिसे आप एक साथ देख सकते है|मंदिर अपनी बनावट और महीन नक्काशी के लिये प्रसिद्ध है सिरपुर में लक्ष्मण मंदिर के साथ -साथ बहुत से मंदिर देखने योग्य है जिसमे प्रमुख गंधेश्वर महादेव मंदिर ,राधा कृष्णा,चंडी मंदिर ,आनंद प्रभु कुटीर विहार प्रमुख रूप से है
सन १९७७ में यहाँ पर पुरातत्व विभाग द्वारा यहाँ पर खुदाई का कार्य करवाया था जिसमे अनेक पुरातात्विक सामग्री मिली है जैसे शिला लेख ,ताम्र पत्र बौद्ध विहार अनेक प्राचीन मुर्तिया प्राप्त हुवा था
जो अपने आप में अध्भूत है यहाँ पर शिरपुर के सम्मन में शिरपुर महोत्सव का आयोजन शासन के द्वार किया जाता है जिसमे भारी संख्या में लोग अपनी उपस्थिति देते है जिसमे रंगारंग धार्मिक कार्यक्रम होता है

temple of sirpur,chhattisgarh

Sirpur Sangrahalaya

Sirpur Sangrahalaya

Sirpur Sangrahalaya

Sirpur Sangrahalaya

Sirpur Sangrahalaya

Sirpur Sangrahalaya

sirpur buddha vihar

sirpur buddha vihar

shiv temple sirpur

यहा पर अभी भी खुदाई करने से पुराने अवशेस मुर्तिया आदि मिलती है| शिरपुर का इतिहाष और खोजना बाकि है | यहा पर भारी मात्रा में सावन माश में शिव भक्त आतें है और भगवान गंधेश्वर को जल अभिषेक करते है पूरा वातावरण शिव मई हो जाता है इसकी भीड़ देखने लायक होती है|  शिरपुर एक उत्तम पर्यटन स्थल है शिरपुर प्राकृतिक दृष्टी से परिपूर्ण है यहाँ के घने जंगल के भिच शिरपुर स्थित है|  यहाँ पर प्रतिवर्ष शिवरात्रि पर ३ दिनों तक मेला लगता है|

इन्हें और देखे :-


  1. "क्या सिरपुर देश का प्रथम चौराहा था"

    1. Sirpur was the first crossroads in the country, due to which Lord Ram had come here during the exile?

  2. very nice most beautiful sirpur

  3. Thanks for sharing this awesome info with all of us! 🙂

  4. सिर्पूर कितना पुराना है

  5. Anonymous23 October

    बहुत अच्छा आर्टिकल है दोस्त।

  6. Super
    Good historical place,actually the rocks and temple obtained there are dug up in the past and obtained. The temple have statue of all goddess.....


  7. This is my First Visit to the Historical place of My Incredible Chhattisgarh.. and I was amazed to find another ancient architectural wonder in India..Sirpur is a historical town in Mahasamund district..near about 85 km away from Raipur..on the banks of the river Mahanadi..
    The architectural marvel which include Laxman Temple, Surang Tila, Buddha Viharas, statues of Buddha, Mahavir and various temples..Since all the sites are far to each other, you need a car for your visit.
    Famous attractions of Sirpur are the Gandheshwar Temple, The Buddha Vihar, Surang Tila and Laxman Temple (dedicated to lord Vishnu).

    Now About Laxman Temple : On seeing from outside, it looks like a normal Hindu temple. The temple itself is very old and the complex has large lawn and three museums house of many ancient artifacts..The small Laxman Temple made of red bricks(is considered as one of the finest brick temples..) is also one of the best temples of site which is located on a 7 feet platform within a well maintained lush green complex and is worth visiting. There are also three small museum's near the temple within its premises.. The site will interest only those who loves history and ancient architecture. A nominal entry fee Rs 25/- is charged. Ticket system is simple and good greenery maintained in temple campus, You may enjoy the evening Sunset Time in Cool Breeze with your loved ones. It is also accessible to persons with disabilities.

    Next Surang Tila : The staircase is the USP of this place..This time I found that a portion of the structure was getting repaired by ASI (Archeological Survey of India).Renovations are ongoing and the compound looks to developed further in future. Further updates may be in my next visit to the place after some time.

    Now the Travelling and Food :The road to the site is good and well maintained with large trees along the path way with vast jungles before the actual site. I really love to drive on this NH 53. It is worth while to travel in open vehicle and enjoy the drive. The road is in Absolutely perfect condition(NH 53).Thumbs up to NHAI (National Highways Authority of India). Only downside is that Sirpur itself does not have many food option near by, Good and Tasty Dhaba's were lil bit far away, so ensure you carry water and snacks.

    Finally, You have seen nothing if you have not visited Sirpur, one time capital city of Chhattisgarh in ancient times. Best place for a short one day visit.
    If you have some more days, you may Explore out Barnawapara Jungle Safari, Giroudpuri Dhaam.
    This is really Incredible Chhattisgarh..

  8. It's a gem of our history. The glorious structure is made up of ancient red bricks and pillars are made of rocks, which are carved with various Gods and Goddess. The carvings on walls are magnificent which are epitome of our ancient arts....
    It's a lovely and peaceful place with huge and lush green campus. Definitely a must visit place for recreation, knowledge , history and picnic. It too has a museum, where various ancient sculpture of different centuries are kept.
    And the village around, has many excavation sites of Buddhist and Hindu beliefs.And never to forget holy Mahanadi river which adds-on beauty and serenity..
    Must visit/Add on your check list..

  9. Great place,peaceful environment,beautiful view from top.Worth a visit
    Buddist temple nearby is also good

  10. Beautiful and peaceful place with fantastic heritage sight.neat maintenance with minimum facilities inside the compound.

  11. Nice Hindu temple....The Lakshmana Temple is a 8th century Hindu temple built by Vasataa devi located in sirpur, India. Dedicated to Vaikuntha Vishnu - an aspect of Vishnu.

  12. Interesting information about Sirpur. This temple is located in the South Temple complex in sirpur. sirpur is a small village in Mahasamund District of Chhattisgarh, India

  13. Jainism 23rd tirthakar lord parshavnath also has been unearthed.

    This must be ancient jain site which were later on converted by hindus.

  14. is it a temple of gupta architecture style or something else ?

  15. Nice information about sirpur laxman Temple


  16. Beautiful place with peace... It's a must visit place in sirpur having Superb sculpture and Architecture

  17. Beautiful place with peace... It's a must visit place in Sirpur having Superb sculpture and Architecture with awesome lighting.
    Wondrfull i loved it.�

  18. A very good place to hangout with family and friends. Museum is a must to see place. Local transport is quite rare as the place not in main city but as per tourist space buses are available from the various locations. You can take your own vehicle as well. Snacks available nearby and some dhabas for proper meal.

  19. Anonymous24 December

    Govind Dwivedi
    " सिरपुर के प्राचीन इतिहास पर अच्छी ग्यानवर्धक सामग्री के प्रदाय हेतु साधुवाद ; 1985-86 में वहां जाना हुआ था, तब तक वहां कोई विकास कार्य या व्यवस्था नहीं थी ; अब पुरातत्व विभाग ने कुछ ध्यान दिया है, एक बार फिर से वहां जाना चाहुंगा । "

    1. आपका स्वागत है । सिरपुर अब भव्य हो चुका है ।कई रिसाट का निर्माण हो चुका है।
      अब यह जगा देखने योग्य है
      Wel-come to शिरपुर-महासमुन्द(छत्तीसगढ़)

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  21. भैया जी आपका पोस्ट पढ़कर तो हमेश ही दिल खुश हो जाता है , आप हमारे भी इस पोस्ट को जरूर पढ़े -> Lakshman Mandir Sirpur
